
We take the welfare of our employees very seriously.

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Health and safety

Committed to the well-being of the people who make up our team.

One of the most critical factors contributing to the well-being of people at Sando is our health and safety and occupational risk prevention policies derived from our activity.

All professionals are responsible for ensuring that our Prevention Policies are known, understood, disseminated and promoted for ourselves and those who belong to our teams. Policies are designed to safeguard the integrity of people, both our staff and those of collaborating companies, and to prevent the risks inherent in the performance of the activity to the maximum possible extent.

So much so that prevention is one of the most active lines of our R+D+i. We have developed several projects in recent years. Still, two are particularly noteworthy for the impact they have on our business activities:

  • Safe-PEMP, designed to improve safety conditions on Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), which are widely used in work at heights in different productive activities.
  • CONPREVAM is a tool for capturing information on environmental parameters using drones or measuring stations to study the concentration of suspended particles and potentially dangerous gases in work environments so that workplaces are free of any environmental pollutants that could harm workers’ health.

This context of innovation, quality and effort has led Sando Construcciones to be one of the first companies in the sector to obtain ISO 45001 certification from Aenor. Conacon Sando was also the first to get ISO 39001 for its Road Safety Management System for construction and maintenance activities.

Our management model, based on leadership and commitment, enables us to integrate safety and health concepts and standards into all our processes and at all levels of the organisation.

This management is mainly based on the preventive analysis of any possible incident to immediately implement the corresponding corrective measures, always under the concept of “continuous improvement” in all processes and activities. Furthermore, with the participation and involvement of everyone in the rigorous compliance of protection measures, in the integration of suppliers and collaborators in the policies, and the incorporation of technology in our operations to improve working conditions, making them safe and healthy and protecting all the people who may be affected by our activity.

Occupational health and safety policy of the Sando group of companies

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Sando Construcciones Policy on OSH-ISO 45001 – ISO 45001

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Althenia Sando’s OSH-ISO 45001 Policy

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Conacon Sando Policy on OSH-ISO 45001

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Althenia Sando’s Road Safety Policy

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Sando Construcción’s Road Safety Policy .

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Conacon Sando Road Safety Policy – ISO 39001.

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Sando News

La Fundación Sando ha renovado su compromiso con la lucha canaria, uno de los deportes más representativos de las Islas Canarias al brindar su apoyo un año más al Club Deportivo de Lucha Los Campitos durante esta temporada.

The Sando Foundation reaffirms its support for the Los Campitos Wrestling Club in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Conacon Sando ha comenzado un nuevo proyecto destinado al mantenimiento y conservación de viales y explanadas en los puertos gestionados por la Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras

Conacon Sando is responsible for the upkeep of roads and esplanades in the ports of the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras

l presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (CEA) el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro,

“Sando is a family company that creates jobs and provides innovation and environmental values”, Antonio Sanz, Regional Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification of the Andalusian Regional Government

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de CEOE el libro conmemorativo del 50 Aniversario de la constitución de la empresa, Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro, acompañado por el presidente de CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, y el presidente de la Confederación Nacional de la Construcción, Pedro Fernández Alén.

Luis Sánchez Manzano, Sando CEO presents the book Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro at the CEOE headquarters

Althenia Sando ha concluido las obras medioambientales que han permitido la creación de una nueva senda verde en el municipio madrileño de Alcobendas. La actuación realizada en el arroyo de la Vega supone una intervención sostenible para la ciudad de 1.370 metros, entre las calles de la Granja y la Avenida de la Industria.

Althenia Sando finishes the green path along the Vega stream in Alcobendas

El Cabildo de La Gomera ha aprobado la renovación de la prestación del servicio de mantenimiento y conservación de carreteras que lleva a cabo Conacon Sando en la isla. Una prórroga que permitirá la continuidad del servicio hasta 2026 con una inversión de 4,4 millones de euros, como ha anunciado el propio Cabildo.

Conacon Sando renews the road maintenance service in La Gomera until 2026

La Dirección General de política Forestal y Biodiversidad de la Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul ha adjudicado a Althenia Sando un nuevo contrato por el que llevará a cabo tratamientos selvícolas preventivos y de mejora en los montes del Espacio Natural de Sierra Nevada, en Granada.

Althenia Sando will carry out preventive forestry treatments in the Sierra Nevada

Conacon Sando construirá, en UTEm una gasinera para el Consorcio para la gestión de los Residuos Sólidos de Asturias (COGERSA) en Asturias.

Conacon Sando to build a gas plant for COGERSA in Asturias

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